Principal’s Message
Welcome to P.S. 235 Janice Marie Knight School!
As principal of P.S. 235, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. The purpose of this webpage is to provide parents, students, and our school community with easy access to a wealth of information on our programs, policies, and activities.
We know each student is an individual, bringing unique talents and needs to school every day. We pride ourselves on the opportunities that we have available to help each and every student child succeed. These opportunities are included in our academic programming, which ensures each child is challenged appropriately while building a foundation of knowledge, skills, a love of reading and empathy.
Families and community members play a critical role as partners in supporting both your students at home and work in the schools. We look forward to working with you throughout the year to make important decisions that affect both your child as an individual and the school as a whole. As a start to this partnership, we hope you will join the PTA, attend School Leadership Team (SLT) meetings, support our community service, arts events, and volunteer whenever possible in school activities.
For more information on the policies and programs of PS 235, please review the family handbook link on the webpage.
If you need general information or wish to directly contact staff at the school, you may use the Staff Directory on the website or call (718) 773-4869.
Be Wise at 235!
Nicola Grant
Principal’S message
I am grateful for the opportunity to lead and represent our P.S. 456 community. I look forward to building strong and positive partnerships that will support our students, staff, and families.
It is my priority to create a learning environment where our students thrive during their middle school years while laying a strong foundation for high school and beyond.
At Bronx Bears, we constantly strive to provide innovative instructional methods to engage students in literacy across every classroom, a variety of applications in technology, and 21st Century skills yielding proficient readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers.
Together, we will foster a culture that celebrates the hard work of our staff and our students while emphasizing the importance of self-care and mindfulness.
Together, we are committed to preparing our students academically, socially and emotionally so they can be successful in today’s society and beyond.
Together, we are Bronx Bears!
Growing Together as a Community
Go Bears!
Principal Nicola Grant