4th Grade Supply List

September 5, 2024

Welcome to the 4th Grade! The first day of school is Thursday, September 5th. If you can, please consider donating extra tissues, hand sanitizer, and pencils as they are always needed.

Please ensure the following materials are brought to school daily and kept in good condition:

  • 6 composition or marble notebooks

  • 5 folders (bottom pockets)

  • 3 packs of pencils, students should have several sharpened pencils each day

  • 1 package of white copy paper

  • 1 pencil case (soft - so it will fit in desk)

  • 1 package of glue sticks

  • 1 pair of scissors

  • 1 large pink eraser

  • 1 standard backpack

  • 1 water bottle labeled with name

  • 1 lunch box, if taking lunch from home, labeled with a name.

  • 1 pair of headphones to pair with their learning device.

The following items will be collected and will be used as community supplies for daily use:

  • 2 boxes of facial tissues

  • 2 rolls of paper towels

  • 2 containers of disinfectant wipes

  • 1 package of dry erase markers

  • 1 package of Crayola crayons

Science Lab with Ms. Zysberg

1 hard covered composition notebook, wide ruled
2 glue sticks
1 box Ziploc gallon size bags
1 container of disinfecting wipes
1 box of tissues
1 hand sanitizer
1 roll of paper towels
Please bring your CHARGED device to each science class

This year your child will have classes with Mrs. Wilson (Art) and Mrs. Zysberg (Science).
For Mrs. Wilson they will need a package of wipes.

Thank you and we look forward to a wonderful school year!
4th Grade Teachers